Steve Harley has been living in Los Angeles for a year before he comes back to record The Candidate in 1979. I remember going to the docks to collect his Bentley, bought over there.
Anyway after settling back in the UK, the man calls me up and asks if I can tour manage him and his latest band. I put together a nice little crew and off we went to Cromer to rehearse.......
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I think these are the last couple of pictures I have of Mr Tony Gibbins, the big guy on the left in the picture above. He worked for Steve as a personal security guy from around 1975. What a gentle giant he was, and unfortunately he died the following year in late April of cancer. Steve, Mike and I went to see him in the hospital, he was very poorly, it was so so sad, he was only in his 30's. RIP big man xxx
The old crew back together again for the last time.........
Sorry about the exposure, don't know what happened to these pics...
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Not sure if this was taken during rehearsals in Cromer or at a show, but a shot of Steve anyway with John Gibblin, the bass player in the background. Well I stand corrected by Steve who tells me it was taken at one of the Venue shows in August 1981
Mr Joe Partridge on lead guitar
Mr Rick Driscoll on guitar
Here is Mr Steve King, our sound engineer for this tour. He looked after a nice little sound system that was called Eel Pie Audio and if I recall was another Who Company, smaller in size than ML Executives, and set up to tour smaller tours, like this one we were about to commence.
Mike and I did a lot of Steve Harley between us. When I got itchy feet and went freelance, Mike actually did the same. He went off and worked for a few years for Pink Floyd, looking after Nick Mason and touring the World. I've always kept in contact with this man and love him to bits xx
Mr Gary Bradshaw was looking after the backline on this tour and I am trying to remember where we actually origiinally met up. Gary if you read this please get in contact, but thiis photo is taken on the tour later in the summer as he comes along with me on the XTC world tour. He and his brother, true gentlemen.