The sample content is from 1974 working for the first time in the USA with Wishbone Ash, and in 1978 being hired by the Grateful Dead.
In this top section beside the playlist will be links to Galleries. These could be Itineraries or photo galleries or diaries. This example is an original Itinerary and some diary scans.
One of the functions of the site created is to share letters, photographs, date sheets and other paraphanalia with the capability to zoom in on to the detail. The photograph below (a polaroid of Bob Marley taken from the stage In Santa Barbara 1978) can be zoomed into easily with a click of your mouse. Another clever thing Blaze Concepts introduced (the developers that built the site for me) are the galleries above, the sticky tapes, which allows me to upload loads of pages or photos to create and show you a complete tour itinerary and a selection of tour photographs, again with the capability to zoom on to the page/photo for more detail.
On every page, these audio players appear, often more than once with stories and nonsense I have recorded to give a flavour, I hope, of what I was going through at the time. There are already audio clips from some of the crew and artists involved in these tours, sharing their memories with me. The site will update with more as time goes by.
Click title or image to play
The YouTube clips are essential in my story telling. I am amazed at how many early films there are of the bands that I toured with during this period. I share with you the live performances not only of the bands I toured with, but also the bands I got to see in my free time, mostly in London, during the times I was actually at home.
IF YOU LIKE THE MUSIC PLEASE BUY IT!! Every YouTube clip has a link to Amazon to buy the music or product being shown.
Here is one of many many passes I was given through my touring days. I kept most, and intend to use them as a colourful backdrop. I like them.....